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Diabetes food,

7/10 Garlic:

The medicinal virtues of garlic have been well known for centuries. But, in addition, it has been scientifically proven that it contains compounds that help improve insulin resistance.

An investigation by the American Chemical Society has shown that its antioxidants protect the heart from diabetes-induced heart disease.

You can take it raw, add it to salads or use it as a dressing to flavor your dishes.


like meat, does not contain carbohydrates, so its GI is 0.

However, in a study conducted with Norwegian women for 5 years it was observed that the consumption of cold-water fish, especially cod, helps to control and prevent diabetes, which is not the case with meat.
Whenever possible, it is better to choose fish as a source of protein in the diet.

9/10 Yogurt :

Taking a yogurt daily helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

This was demonstrated in a large meta-analysis conducted in 2014, according to which yogurt is the only dairy that reduces the risk of this disorder.
Of course, yogurt must be natural. Sweetened or flavored contain sugar and sweeteners that obviously should be avoided if you suffer from diabetes.

10/10 Avocado:

Consuming 100 g of avocado (a quarter of a large piece) daily helps reduce cholesterol and glucose levels.
The reason is that it contains 9 g of fiber per 100 g of food, which prevents blood glucose levels from rising rapidly.
Good avocado fats also help improve cardiovascular health.

Diabetic Food

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