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What is The Diabetes?

What is the diabetes?

It is a disease that is characterized by an increase in blood glucose concentration because the pancreas does not produce, or the body does not use, insulin properly.

Insulin is an essential hormone for life. All people need insulin 24 hours a day continuously and variably, that is, the same amount of insulin is not needed at all hours. When a person eats, they need more insulin and when they do physical activity they need less.

The insulin factory is the pancreas, which is a gland located in the left part of the abdomen, very close to the stomach. From there, insulin passes into the bloodstream to spread throughout the body.

Click on the image to enlarge Our body needs energy to function, just like a car needs fuel. This energy can be obtained from the food we eat. Generally half of what we eat contains carbohydrates (also called sugars or carbohydrates), which, once passed to the stomach and intestine, are transformed by digestion into glucose, which is the simplest sugar. When carbohydrates are in the form of glucose, they pass into the blood and it is at this time that insulin acts.

Insulin is necessary for glucose to enter cells, as if it were a key, so that glucose can be used as a source of energy. Without insulin, glucose builds up in excess blood and causes hyperglycemia. , and is eliminated in the urine, which causes it to urinate in large quantities (what is called polyuria), and you have to drink a lot of liquid (polydipsia). The lack of Pulse on the image to enlarge the food in our cells causes thinning and fatigue.

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